***** BE AWARE OF PROBLEMS WHICH CAN WIPE YOUR MAILBOX DATA FILES! **** Should you ever have a disk error, the alert box will remind you that you must format your floppy disk, and that your data must be damaged. You are offered a chance to RETRY, by hitting (Mouse is not enabled). DO NOT HIT RETURN!!!! Turn off your ST, and reboot the system !!! Should you return with the key to this prompt, there is a GOOD chance that your mailbox disk will be scrambled! Please be aware that floppy disks do not last forever, and that repeated use of the same are of the diskette can literally wear it out! Replace your diskette frequently!! Retire it, BEFORE it gets tired. Frequent back ups of the mailbox files are advisable anyway! Use GM and GU on a daily basis as a means of backing up your mail.dat and user.dat files. Users with more than one disk drive, may have the mail.dat and user.dat files on one drive, and the mail.bak and user.bak on another for easy backups! Change the drive specifiers on the appropriate filenames in the config.mb file for multi-drive operation! Most users of the ST BBS will not have a backup type power system, but it is certainly nice! The system recovers nicely from blackouts (complete loss of power), but brownouts (partial loss of power) often occur without the knowledge of the SYSOP, and though they leave the computer and mailbox running, memory resident data has been altered and problems may ultimately occur.